Lawerence F. Loughery, Jr., CPIA

Assistant Vice President

Larry serves as Assistant Vice President in the firm with this primary focus on developing new business relationships and maintaining the highest level of service for the firm’s existing client base. Larry works with a wide array of business with his current areas of focus including auto services and pest management  / lawn care.

In addition, Larry is responsible for coordinating and managing CNI’s internet marketing platform; incorporating website, digital marketing programs, e-mail ad campaigns, prospect data storage, etc. to help develop and expand CNI’s lead and prospect data bases, which targets specific classes of business and association groups within CNI’s carrier’s appetites.

Larry earned in CPIA designation, an insurance industry education program, in 2013. He has taken several Certified Insurance Counselor (CIC) courses and is an active candidate pursuing his CIC designation. Larry earned a BA in Communications and Marketing from the University of Pennsylvania in 2013.